DEVI Warranty

20-year full warranty

A 20-year full service warranty is valid for DEVI electrical heating cables and mats. 
You can rely on the DEVI quality; but, in the event of failure, the DEVI cables or mats, which can be tracked back to a manufacturing defect in the DEVI product, can be repaired or replaced free of charge. 

Not only does this warranty include costs of reparation or replacement, but also installation and floor materials, such as damage to brickwork and tiles. The installation of DEVI products must be performed by an authorized installer in order to apply for this warranty, and the warranty certificate has to be stamped, signed, and provided. For more details, read our warranty terms and conditions. 

DEVI products with a 20-year warranty:

heating cables incl. DEVIflex™ / DEVIsafe™/ DEVIsnow™ / DEVIasphalt™ / DEVIaqua™/ DEVIbasic™ / DEVIcomfort™ / DEVIsport™ (DSM3) / DEVImulti™
heating mats incl. DEVImat™ / DEVIcomfort™ / DEVIsnow™ / DEVIasphalt™ / DTCE

All related accessories come with our 2-year warranty.

10-year warranty

A 10-year product warranty is valid for DEVI floor heating systems and accessories.

DEVI products with a 10-year warranty:

DEVIcell™ floor heating system for wood and laminate;
All related accessories.

5-year warranty

A 5-year product warranty is valid for DEVI thermostats, floor heating systems, self-limiting cables, and accessories.

DEVI products with a 5-year warranty:

DEVIreg™ Smart thermostat
DEVIreg™ Touch thermostat;
DEVIdry™ floor heating elements under carpet, laminate and wooden floor (not including the DEVIdry™ thermostat and control sets);
DEVIiceguard™, DEVIpipeheat™, DEVIpipeguard™ and DEVIhotwatt™ self-limiting heating cables;
All related accessories.

2-year warranty

A 2-year product warranty is valid for DEVI thermostats, control systems, software solutions, and accessories. 

DEVI products with a 2-year warranty:

DEVIreg™ 130-132 / 233 / 316 /330 / 527 / 528 / 530-535 / 610 / 850 thermostats;
DEVIlink™ wireless control system;
DEVIdry™ thermostats and control sets;
DEVIreg™ Therm Control;
DEVIfoil™ heating foils;
DEVIrail™ towel heaters;
DEVItemp™ industrial heaters;
DEVItronic™ anti-condensation heaters;
Radiant heaters;
Power supply units for thermostats;
All related accessories, including heating cables and heating mats accessories


DEVIinstaller™ App

DEVIinstaller™ App gives you easy access to DEVI product catalogue and to register Warranty certificates 

With DEVIinstaller™ app, your daily work as an installer will be easier. You can create warranties online including adding pictures of the installation and the warranty certificates can be shared directly from your phone or printed.

You will have information about all your installed projects and you can search for products in the DEVI Product catalogue. If your customers lose their warranty certificate or proof of purchase, all information is available online.

Warranty Application Form

If you need to apply for a warranty claim, please click here to complete the Warranty Claim Application